
You enter the room labelled 'Websites'. Inside is a vast array of computers, each one displaying a different website. You think to yourself how inefficient this seems but decide not to question it. Nemissa is obviously very particular about how things are set up.

Here's some websites that I like. This is very unfinished and is missing a lot but I'm going to fill it out over time. Hope you find something you like here.


Site Description
Backloggd Backlog manager
Big Box Collection Very high quality 3D recreations of classic big box video games
Console Variations Database of console revisions, special editions and rarities
Hall of Light Database of Amiga games
Hidden Palace Preservation of video game development builds
Legends of Localization Articles about video game localizations PSX memory card icons
ProtonDB Database of Steam games compatibility with Linux and Steam Deck
Thinky Games A site dedicated to puzzle games
The Toaster Games Database Games that run on low-end hardware

Tabletop Games

Site Description
PnP Paradise Large collection of print and play games


Site Description
One Album a Day Helps you get through all '1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die'
Rate Your Music Track and rate the music you listen to


Site Description
Letterboxd Tracking movies you've watched or want to watch