"Hello again. Goodness, it has been a while hasn't it? You must forgive me but time has little meaning to me so I might neglect to update things for some time. Still, it's no matter. I'm here now and so are you. It's good to see you. I do hope that you are well. Allow me to fill you in on what I've been doing."
Oh I've been far too inactive lately. I let my site fall into disarray and I found it difficult to return to it the longer I left it. So I did the only normal thing one could do and completely overhauled and remade it. It's still in the early stages of being remade but it looks very nice as it is I think. I wanna do some editing of the CSS but I'm happy with it right now and I think it's ready to upload. It's also a lot easier for me to actually write things for it and then put it online. No more editing HTML to add stuff, I can just drop a markdown file into a folder, type a single command and my computer handles the rest for me. Especially beneficial to me as I tend to write most things in Obsidian which is an excellent note-taking app that stores everything in markdown files so I can just drag and drop when I'm done.
I've also recently gotten on ADHD medication at last. It only took about 6 years from first suspecting I had it to my doctor deciding it might be worth looking into but it's done now and I've been feeling a lot more motivated than ever. I've also been writing a lot more lately and I'll probably post a lot of it to this site when I've edited it a little. I'm not planning on making this place super professional or anything, it's still going to be my little haven away from the rest of the internet which has only gotten worse since I wrote that manifest for my original site three years ago.
Anyway, have fun and enjoy your stay.
- Nemissa
Big thanks to Kate Bagenzo and her Strawberry Starter template that was used to make this site. Please check it out if you want to make a site of your own, this makes it super easy.